GOOD NEWS! According to Asean Mactoeaconomeic Research Office(AMRO), Philippines is top Economical performer in ASIA
The chief economist of the asean mactoeaconomeic research ofiice(AMRO)hoe ee knor had released a good news indeed for the Philippines especially to President Rodrigo Duterte. Mr.Knor stated that "The Philippines is the top performer," "it is very attractive destination for investments" he added.
Chief Executive knor also explained the philippines' political risks was not that much and this findings were totally help the Philippines economic status "so far, not much... growth will continue" Mr.Knor said when asked about seeing political risks from President Durterte's term.
The AMRO's Chief Executive stated and explained that the main risks for the philippines is the coutry's dependency on Overseas Worker's remittance and outsourcing business process. "This is a good current account deficit because it's sustained by investment's "Mr.Knor stated as' he explained the country's financial reserves and it is "relatively high" he added.
As the Singapore-based international group, AMRO releases it's flagship outlook inauguratation report on their economic outlook for the Association of Southeast Asean Nation's(ASEAN)
Philippines has not making any reasons for them to become less attractive for investments through President Duterte's Administration and this was based on the AMRO's reports.
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